
Jeanerica is a premium denim house offering seasonless products in the most sustainable way, marrying specialized industrial with small-scale local production. To extend the fashion life cycle even more, Jeanerica decided to launch an archive shop for previous collections with the motto, “some pieces just need a little extra time and care to find their owner”. Several was given the task of creating a logo, an icon, and the UX/UI for the site based on the existing brand guidelines.

Brand Essentials


UI Design


UX Design

Mockup of Jeanerica Archive IpadLogo Sketching for Jeanerica BrandingSketches for Jeanerica ArchiveBox for Jeanerica BradningSnippet of UI Kit for Jeanerica Website and UXRound Logo for JeanericaSketches for Jeanerica ArchiveIdeating for Jeanerica Branding Project

Processen med Several var både kul och trygg, man känner hela tiden att det här kommer bli riktigt bra. De är enkla, lyhörda, skapar rätt förväntningar och leverar ett bra resultat.

Jonas Clason / Creative Director / Jeanerica

Jag gillar kombinationen av kompetens man får från Several, balansen mellan strategi, tydlighet och kreativ höjd.

Märta Särnblad / Creative Producer / Jeanerica

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